Middle School Softball traveled to Bremond tonight and played against Rockdale. Even though we did not get the Win, we are growing as a team, learning how to compete, and learning the great game of Softball! Continue to GROW Tigerettes! #futuretigerettesoftball

Mrs. Zieschang's PreK students painted these beautiful sunsets and wrote about them too! "I see a Texas sunset." Way to go PreK Tigers!

3-Week Progress Reports for the 5th Six Weeks for ES 1st-4th grades, MS and HS are available in Ascender Parent Portal and Ascender Student Portal, as of Thursday, March 23.
Please contact your student's teacher(s) with any questions.

The Thrall Freshman Class is selling Butter Braid pastries to raise money for their class fund. Orders are due by April 3. Order from any freshman class student or online directly - https://store.myfundraisingplace.com/0645e116-9b92-4dde-a423-1e26a8f9b1e9
If you have any questions, please contact sponsor, Korie Dutschmann - kdutschmann@thrallisd.org

Tennis Results from Today!
1st place Julie Crabb/Aubrey Shuttles
1st place Payton Gillmore
2nd place Sarah Laurence
2nd place Casen Sledge/Ethan Dahl
2nd place Steven Walker/ Elena Garcia
Consolation Kinley Hoffman/Avery Ochoa
Thrall was in every final match. Thrall won 1st place overall as a team with 10 schools competing today.

Tigers drop a close one at Holland, 3-2 in extra innings. The boys played with grit and toughness.

Another full house at this month's school board meeting as the board recognized the following student accomplishments.
-HS UIL Solo Contest
-HS Region Band
-HS District One Act Play
-Practically Purple

Our therapy dog, Millie, and Mrs. Bow are helping us identify how we are feeling today 🥰

Academic teams, go!

Good luck Varsity Tennis and Baseball today!
Tennis is hosting their varsity tournament at Taylor HS. Baseball travels to Holland - JV beginning at 4:30pm and varsity at 7pm.

Update for Tonight's Baseball Games:
Holland received too much rain today. Tonight's games have been postponed to Wednesday, March 22nd.
New game times will be - JV @ 4:30pm, Varsity @ 7:00pm

Let's go fly a kite 🪁 Mrs. Ramthun's Physics classes tested their designs today!

Golf results from today at Colovista:
Girls earned 1st place!
For the boys, Asa Gibbs earned 2nd medalist!

It's the first day back from spring break, but Thrall Athletics have a busy day of competition! Best of luck to our JV tennis team, varsity boys and girls golf, middle school track teams, and varsity softball team!

Week ahead in Thrall Athletics!

Tigers hold on to defeat Rosebud, 9-8. 🐅⚾️

Good luck today Tigers!

Tigers get the district victory over Granger!

Location change for Thrall baseball today!
Baseball will now play Granger in Thrall. JV at 10:30am, and V at 1:00pm.
Softball will still play Chilton tonight in Thrall starting at 5:00pm.

Baseball & Softball Schedule Updates:
- The Softball game vs. Chilton has been moved to FRIDAY, MARCH 17TH with a first pitch at 5:00pm.
- Friday's baseball games vs. Granger are still scheduled to be played AT Granger, however, with incoming weather, this game may be moved to Thrall. Game times and location will be communicated early Friday AM.